The New Agricultural Sourcing


Supplier for cosmetics - fragrance - aromatherapy

Our essential oils - vegetable oils


Why work with LENOSA or

“the new agricultural sourcing” from Madagascar ?


Connecting the value chain

Madagascar has positioned itself as an emergent supplier of essential oils, distinctively offering an exceptional concentration in active ingredients. Cloves, Ylang-Ylang, Ravintsara, Geranium or Palmarosa of Madagascar origins can be found in the market as  pure essential oils or as  ingredients in cosmetic, perfumery and aromatherapy products.  

LENOSA essential oils started from our encounter with farmers in the field. Some of them are producing more than the pre-ordered quantities, expecting additional sales opportunities coming their way.  Some farmers need support to upgrade their cultivation and distillation techniques to be able to deliver high-quality products. The demand for high-quality essential oils is increasing while the supply reaching  the international market is lagging. 

We connect high-quality and pure essential oils to reputable buyers.
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Our mission

Bringing expertise and transparency for a reliable supply

The producers of essential oils we are working with are  farmers - distillers owing more than 10ha of land and who also collect raw materials from the surrounding  small scale farmers.     They are carefully selected based on their adoption of good agricultural practices, from cultivation to distillation.   Our team has years of hands-on and technical expertise in plant cultivation, picking, distillation, quality analysis and packaging. 

Our commitments - Farmers and ethics


Quality and traceability

We only offer products that have complied with our internal quality and consistency audit. Our tracking and control process ensures that each product can be traced back to the original batch and to the producer. We can provide you with detailed information from the area of origin of the plants to the packaging. Our products meet ISO and Afnor standards.

Environmental responsibility

Our farmers are conscious that the natural habitat is the very essence of  their livelihood and that it must therefore be protected. . They apply soil protection measures and harvesting plans. We reduce our transportation footprint by setting up our tree planting fund.

Securing the supply

We secure your volume and quality requirements by monitoring each farmer's seasonal and annual output (stability of the volume of production, consistency of product quality , price and capacity).

We offer realistic delivery times and make sure that deadlines are met. Our monitoring system enables us to provide our clients with a continuous status update from harvest to delivery. 

Equity for a fairer and better future

We reward our suppliers by paying a fair price.
Our long-term goal is to extend our pool of reference farmer partners, by providing training and equipment. 

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The team

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Expertise in management of projects within international environment and Lean Six Sigma: cost optimization, quality and delivery 
Several years of experience in the area of new technologies
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Co-founder, Head of Customer Relations

Expertise in business strategy, marketing and trade. Several years of experience steering of an international company.

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Expertise in market analysis and international trade. Several years of experience accompanying international companies.
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Co-founder, Cooperation with farmers & logistics

Trained professional in quality audit and certification 
Years of experience in leading agricultural production

MIS&P of Brace Group

Managing Investment Solutions & Partners

Consultancy, assistance and advisory services in national and international resource mobilisation for public and private investments financing, project management and financial engineering

Our Partners

LENOSA is member of the GEHEM

LENOSA is member of the GEHEM


Contact us.

A question, an order, let us know.
Lot IBF 27 Ambatomena, Antananarivo 101 - Madagascar

+33 6 18 76 59 74